Message from the President
Dear Members of the Polish National Union in Canada, Dear Friends.
It is a great honour for me to be able to express my appreciation to you in my new role as President of the Polish National Union in Canada.
I accepted the decision of Branch 17 Burlington to elect me as a delegate and director for the 48th Assembly of the PNU and the decision of the PNU to entrust me with the functions of the president. I look forward to serving with dedication and in a spirit of cooperation.
I am humbled by the task, knowing the PNU’s great history, rich traditions, a record of service and outreach, not to mention our pride in Polonia, in sharing our heritage, and in encouraging and promoting the contributions of Canada’s Polish community over the course of the PNU’s 90-year history.
I would like to thank the members of the Board for agreeing to take on various leadership functions for the upcoming term of office. I am honoured to work alongside them.
I pledge with the Board to fulfil my duties and fiduciary responsibilities per the PNU’s constitution and applicable laws.
I would like to thank the outgoing board and outgoing president Ryszard Ślisiński for their volunteer service and leadership. I know that our past president will be a source of guidance, support and wisdom in the years ahead.
Yours in service,
Bozena Jokel
President of the Polish National Union of Canada
(905) 320